I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet, French-born
American Quaker missionary
click here for more about de Grellet
Relationship reminder —
In any relationship there can be opportunities for kindness. Do not let too many such opportunities pass. A kindness deferred may be an opportunity lost.
if you’d like to read more about relationships, my book, How to Get and Give Love – Relationship Maps, is available online at all major booksellers, including Amazon.com
Mindfulness reminder —
No, you will not pass this way again. Each moment is unique and will not be repeated. You choose to be present in this moment and you choose what to make of it.
for more on Mindfulness, click here to visit Greater Good– The Science of a Meaningful Life
Recent Relationship Maps column (courtesy of The Capital):
Living in the here and now
Rhonda was sitting at the table with a cup of tea when Philip walked into the kitchen.
“What if Ellen’s preschool teacher—what’s her name again?—decides to leave after she gets married? Ellen will be so upset; she really loves whatshername.” His face was clearly troubled.
Rhonda looked up from her teacup and frowned. “What are you talking about? She only just told the class on Friday that she got engaged.”
“But what if they decide to elope and what if she gets pregnant right away? She might not want to keep teaching. Or what if her new husband gets a job in another state?” She could see his anxiety mounting rapidly.
“Philip, get a grip. Even if any of those things were to happen, you can’t influence or control any of it.” This only seemed to make him more anxious.
“But Ellen would be so sad.” His face was so sad for Ellen’s projected sadness that she couldn’t help but be touched. She spoke gently.
“That’s probably true. She adores Miss Frebush. But you still can’t change it. IF it happens, we’ll just have to deal with it then. It’s not like there’s anything to do now to prepare for something that might not even happen ever.”
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Available now
How to Get and Give Love -- Relationship Maps
by Benna Z Sherman, PhD